Hi everyone, Happy 2013!
This is going to be the first update of the year, also a BIG announcement, sort of BIG...LOL!
Like finally~~~
My blog's old name is Intuition-MagicDrag.
"Intuition" and "Magic Drag" are my favourite Korean songs by my favourite singers <3
Then people starting telling me that my blog's name was too long and hard to memorize. It was then I started thinking of a new name for my blog ><
Thought of a few names but they were quite...Haiz I dunno how to say....ordinary I suppose?
That day in a taxi in Bangkok, I suddenly thought of 2 names.
But in the end, I came to a conclusion:
This shall be my blog's new name. Then I consulted Emily, to my surprise she said this name sounds like a newly established "culture". And my good friend Cassandra also told me it sounds pretty cool.
So I thought I wanted to change my blog's name on the 1st of Jan 2013, which was also my blog's 1st anniversary. BUT I was a bit sick that day and I didn't go near the pc, and I thought I shall change it on MY own birthday, as my 19th birthday gift to myself. Eventually I couldn't stand it.....And I saw many people talking about 4th of Jan 2013, as if it's some important date.

I saw this on Facebook, and realised it really was a special day. So, I abruptly decided to change my blog's name on this day :3
Saying goodbye to my old blog name ><
My very first blog header...Feels like LOOONG time ago ><
Another old one...I love this actually....
That's why my new header is nearly the same :p

Saved me pretty much energy haha :p
What to do..I just love the design of my old one xD

Facebook page also changed to Fionism
So....4th January 2013 is the new anniversary of fionism.blogspot.com ^^
Thanks so much for reading, every single reader, even though you had just dropped by for 1 second, I also thank YOU!
If it wasn't for you all, most likely I wouldn't have the determination to continue my dream to be a REAL blogger!
Thank you and I love all of you, peace! <3
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