I entered 2021 without my usual ambitious resolutions list because everything that I set out to do in 2020 went down the drain. Now with Covid-19 still in the air (so literally), I decided to take this year with a more light-hearted manner. Instead of sketching out the crazy blueprint of 2021 in my head and journal, I'll just deal with whateva that comes my way then.
There we have it: 1/4 of the calendar has been ripped off. Now it's time for a little recap.
January: my hometown got into lockdown 2.0

See, what I meant by "you can just save all the big resolutions". But then again, I'm not saying to sit on the couch for the whole new year to pass by in front of your eyes.
For the most part, I was just at home minding my own business - trading, Youtube, books, house chores, workout. Rinse and repeat.
I finally started trading Forex with a real cash account. Practical and theory are 2 different ball games, so I'm still going through the learning curve. This is the ONLY main thing in my life, thus I don't really have much to update in this aspect since most of my time is spent sitting in front of Tradingview.

Got my organ donor card. I submitted my expression of interest back in December 2020 and now finally it arrived. Should anything deadly happen to me, this card will take care of the rest.
February: Lunar New Year + I turned 27 y.o.
Red (in my case gold) packets for both grandparents and mommy. There goes a dent in my bank account :/

Became a Macbook user out of the blue! I'm all things Apple but never had I ever imagined being owning a Mac but it came as a birthday gift from someone

Had a bunch of mini celebrations with my loved ones. Thank YOU all for loving me unconditionally xoxo
On the last day of the Lunar New Year, I played firecrackers and fireworks with my neighbours (we used to do that when we were kids, so this year we thought of reminiscing our childhood days again). Somehow, someone called the police and we got interrogated and "lectured" big time. Luckily, we still manage to get away with it.
What a memorable way to wrap up the Lunar New Year!
I really don't understand why some girls like going to hair saloons so much. I kept on putting this off until it got to a stage where I couldn't stand my own reflection in the mirror then I finally grabbed my phone and made an appointment to get my rebounding done and hair cut. Many thanks to Alviz from Hair Unique Salon for giving me a hairstyle that's so easy to handle! I literally roll out of the bed looking like this every day.
March: full of head-cracking days and sleepless nights
This whole month was solely about trading and nothing else. If I could sum up the whole month in 1 word it would be: restless (more of the mental and emotional side).

I watched sunrise - the majestic show of Mother Nature. The view was amazing from an Airbnb that I went to. How I wish I could wake up to this view every single day.
As for my personal life out of trading, March was a blur because I only found solace in good food and interesting videos/articles online. Been loving a Chinese debate show called '奇葩说' and been binging on a Youtuber named 刘芒 (LiouMonn) who I recently discovered.
So, here's a little recap of what happened at work in March. It was a brain-frying month.
The only thing that doesn't betray my "blood, sweat and tears" will be the fact that my abs are still intact.
As to what other plans I have for 2021, I only have one major goal: to be a better trader with less emotions and more consistency.
Other than that, I think put them in the category with the title of "don't sweat the small stuff" in order to keep my sanity and happiness. These are the 2 things that people tend to take for granted or sweep it down the bed, but for me, I do put in a substantial amount of conscious effort into maintaining them.
I know I have said this for the umpteenth time but I really wanna work on writing more - be it on my Instagram or on my blog here. I wanna stop thinking that every post should be a lengthy one so I don't get stucked or overwhelmed trying to achieve the so-called "perfect" post which hardly comes by (obviously... judging from the frequency of my updates).
So, maybe I'll do a monthly recap from now onwards. Not sure if I'm the "got a brain type" but I do have opinions on topics that I care to give a shit about. So perhaps I'll do some "pillow talk" posts here which will include topics that my friends and I occasionally brainstorm about - plus some girls' talk too.
Hope the 1st quarter was good for you - let me know how did yours go in the comments! Good night for now ☽
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