The only fortunate thing was that we actually had a couple of months of freedom (from February to Mid of May - right after I celebrated Mother's Day in advance). If not, I'm sure that most people would've gone crazy by now.
April: Catching up with friends

Hang out with my girls at 815 Paliro after not seeing them since my birthday in February. Cute desserts are always necessary for a girls' date.
Took me 6 years of working out to reach the same weight as my goddess Hyuna. I remember when I first started working out back in 2016, I had her as my body goal (she still is anyway) and this number on the scale was like an unreachable land for me. How surreal this journey has been!

Celebrated our big sista, Vernice's birthday with her. I dressed up with makeup and heels specially for her.
Grandpa brought us to Seven Terraces after a family lunch to check out the wooden carvings that he did for this heritage hotel. He had been talking about bringing me there for a little tour since I was still in university (it's been yearssss) but we never made any deliberate plans. So that day, during lunch right there and then, I was like "let's go today, it's now or never!"
All the gold-coloured woodwork in those photos above were single-handedly done by him. Just look at how majestic the golden phoenix on top of my head is!
May/June: life in lockdown & shitty market

Brought mom out for dinner one week prior to Mother's Day at Nada Natural Farming. Little did I know that was the last time we were allowed to dine-out.
No more social life and no more going out because the Covid-19 cases skyrocketed in Malaysia.
So, I ended up just spending a lot of time in front of my charts.
Bought this book after watching Ali Abdaal's video. Don't be fooled by the title, it doesn't do the content justice at all (sorry Ali)
At the same time, my remisier also told me to get a hobby out of trading just to maintain my sanity in the long run. 3 things came into my mind when he suggested that - fitness, reading and blogging. Among all these, blogging is the only thing that I have not been putting much effort into.
My friend Poh challenged me to upload one blog post every Monday - at first I thought it was a wild idea but after thinking about it for a while, I thought "why not take the challenge and do it properly again, at least till the end of this quarter".
Baby step first, starting from this blog post.
Baby step first, starting from this blog post.
Hopefully, this will be the last lockdown for good. I haven't seen my besties for such a long time. And I just wish that I can stop having my cappuccino orders in takeaway cups.
I'll end this blog post with some simple intention settings for Q3:
- study Forex more diligently
- be patient about the macro
- appreciate the little things + celebrate the tiniest wins
- read at least 3 books
So I'll see you every Monday from now onwards then! Tata!
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